Polynucleotide Therapy

Serving Boise & Eagle, ID

intro-Collagen Induction Therapy (Microneedling)

Introduction to Polynucleotide Therapy

As skin matures, it often presents challenges such as diminished elasticity and the emergence of fine lines. Traditional methods, while offering temporary relief, may not deliver complete rejuvenation. Polynucleotide treatments emerge as a scientifically backed solution, offering a new dimension in aesthetic medicine. This approach has garnered acclaim for its profound ability to stimulate skin regeneration at a cellular level. At Renu Medispa in Eagle, ID, our polynucleotide therapy has helped change patients’ lives and skin appearance in the greater Boise area. To learn more about how this treatment can improve your appearance, please read the information below.

What is Polynucleotide Therapy?

Polynucleotide therapy is a groundbreaking approach to skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. Polynucleotides are complex chains of nucleotides, the fundamental building blocks of DNA and RNA. These molecular structures are integral to various biological processes, including cellular repair and regeneration. Polynucleotides harness the natural regenerative properties at the cellular level to revitalize skin. 

Polynucleotide treatments effectively combat the visible signs of aging by stimulating collagen and elastin production. Collagen and elastin are vital proteins to maintain skin elasticity and firmness. Natural production of these proteins diminishes as we age

leading to the development of wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of skin firmness.

Our poly revitalizing therapy contains highly concentrated hyaluronic acid,12 vitamins (including vitamin C, vitamin B 8, vitamin B 5, vitamin B 9, inositol, nicotinamide, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin E, retinol, vitamin B12), six minerals, five nucleic acids, 24 amino acids, six coenzymes, glutathione, and glucosamine.

what-Chemical Peels

What are the Benefits of Polynucleotide Therapy?

Our Boise polynucleotide therapy patients have seen the following benefits from their treatments:

  • Stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid
  • Helps minimize scars, including acne, surgical, and traumatic scars
  • Treats dark under-eye circles
  • Promotes cellular regeneration promotion
  • Improves skin hydration and texture

Who are the Best Candidates for Polynucleotide Therapy?

Boise Polynucleotide injections are suitable for a broad spectrum of individuals. Ideal candidates include those looking to address signs of aging, improve skin texture and elasticity, or enhance overall skin hydration. Individuals with specific skin concerns, such as scarring or damage, can significantly benefit from this treatment. 

 This treatment is effective across various skin types, including dry, oily, and combination. Polynucleotide injections particularly benefit those with aging skin, sun damage, or chronic dehydration. Conditions like acne scars, fine lines, and pigmentation can also significantly improve.

Polynucleotide treatments contain animal-derived ingredients, making them unsuitable for vegetarians, vegans, or people with fish allergies. They are also not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

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What’s the first Step?

Before beginning the treatment, our trained professionals will conduct a thorough skin analysis to determine your specific needs. This allows us to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique concerns and goals. Once this treatment plan is developed, our Patient Coordinator will help schedule your appointment and provide you with any necessary instructions to follow before your treatment.

What to Expect on the Day of a Polynucleotide Therapy Treatment

Once your skin has been assessed, we will prepare the area by thoroughly cleansing it and applying a numbing cream. This helps minimize any discomfort during the injection process.

During the treatment, small amounts of polynucleotide are injected into targeted areas using a fine needle. These injections stimulate collagen production and improve overall skin texture and appearance. Most clients tolerate the procedure well, and minimal discomfort is reported.

We will provide aftercare instructions after the injections to ensure optimal healing and results.

Polynucleotide Therapy Recovery

For the first 24 hours following treatment, avoiding direct sun exposure and strenuous activities is essential.

You may notice some mild bruising, redness, or swelling in the treated areas, but these side effects typically subside within a few days. Results from polynucleotide injections can last up to two years, making it a long-term solution for skin rejuvenation.

It is crucial to keep your skin well-hydrated, so drink plenty of water, which will help heal and keep your skin plump and youthful. Consider using a hydrating serum or moisturizer for post-treatment care.

Incorporating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants can also aid healing. Foods like berries, leafy greens, and nuts contain nutrients that can boost collagen production and improve overall skin health.

It is important to avoid harsh skincare products or treatments while your skin is still recovering from the injections. Stick to gentle cleansers and mild exfoliants, and consult your dermatologist before trying new products.

Lastly, maintaining good sun protection habits is crucial for long-term results. To prevent UV damage to your skin, use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily and wear protective clothing outdoors.

How Much Does Polynucleotide Therapy Cost in Boise, ID?

The cost of Polynucleotide Therapy in Eagle and the greater Boise area can vary depending on the size of the area being treated, the clinic, and other factors. The best way to learn the total cost of your treatment is to come in for a consultation and have a treatment plan created. Once done, our Patient Coordinator can provide you with an accurate pricing breakdown.

There’s a fine line between looking and feeling good

Why Choose Renu Medispa?

Our commitment to excellence is deeply embedded in our practice. This dedication empowers us to craft personalized protocols that meet industry standards and consistently exceed our expectations, delivering remarkable injection outcomes for our cherished clients.

At the heart of our achievements lies our dedicated team, who have honed their expertise through rigorous training with the industry’s leading professionals. Renu Medispa proudly stands as the exclusive laser facility in the Treasure Valley, certified by the esteemed National Council on Laser Excellence, underscoring our unwavering commitment to training and safety. Our accomplished team guarantees you a level of professionalism and precision that shines brilliantly, especially in the realm of Polynucleotide Therapy.


Schedule a Consultation

Known For Being Innovators

Ready to enhance your natural beauty and explore the transformative benefits of Polynucleotide Therapy in Boise, ID? Schedule your consultation today at Renu Medispa in Eagle, ID. Call us today at 208.939.4456 or use our consultation request form to take the first step toward a more youthful and vibrant you by scheduling your consultation now!

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