Regenerative Biostimulator

Serving Boise & Eagle, ID

Woman outside in a white top | Micron X Laser Peel in Boise

Introduction to Regenerative Biostimulator

Aging isn’t just about wrinkles; it’s a complex interplay of biochemical processes that alter the very structure of our skin. At Renu Medispa in Eagle, ID, we’re proud to introduce our Boise patients to a groundbreaking treatment that harnesses the synergistic power of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHa) with micronutrients and polynucleotides. This dynamic blend represents a revolutionary approach to improving skin tissue’s structure (appearance), health, and function. The beauty of this treatment lies in its versatility, offering solutions for a wide range of aesthetic concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to loss of skin volume and laxity of the face, neck, and other problem areas.

What is Regenerative Biostimulator?

CaHA, a trusted and proven injectable, serves as the cornerstone of our regenerative approach. Its unique composition of microspheres suspended in an aqueous gel triggers a cascade of events, stimulating collagen and elastin production while restoring volume loss with remarkable precision. Used together with a poly revitalizing micro-filler that packs a punch of essential nutrients, enriched with vitamins, amino acids, coenzymes, and more, this cocktail nourishes your skin at a cellular level, providing the building blocks necessary for optimal regeneration. This potent injectable is the latest in proven regenerative aesthetic techniques, and we’re proud to be the first in Idaho to offer it.

Blonde haired woman with her hands are gently resting on her faceo | IPL Photo Rejuvenation in Boise

What Are the Benefits of a Regenerative Biostimulator Treatment?

Our regenerative biostimulator patients in the Boise area have cited some of the following benefits after receiving their treatments:

  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
  • Restores facial volume
  • Improves your skin elasticity
  • Results are long-lasting
  • Treatment is minimally invasive
  • Customizable to meet your unique needs

Who Are the Best Candidates for Regenerative Biostimulators?

Boise regenerative biostimulators are great for any patient who has experienced volume loss, sagging skin, and facial wrinkles due to aging or other factors. The best candidates for this treatment are those with the following characteristics:

  • Committed to practicing good skin health routines
  • In overall good health
  • Keeps a positive and realistic attitude regarding the outcome of the treatment
  • Nonsmokers

Unfortunately, regenerative biostimulator injections are not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, nor people with bleeding disorders.


What’s the first Step?

If you’re interested in regenerative biostumulator injections in Boise and Eagle, ID, the first step is to contact Renu Medispa and schedule your initial consultation. During this appointment, you will meet with one of our providers to discuss your treatment goals and have the area you’re interested in treating examined. You will also be asked about your medical history, so it’s incredibly important to be open and honest when discussing your history and goals to help prevent any unnecessary risks.

After everything has been discussed, your custom treatment plan will be made. If you agree with it, we will be able to perform your filler injections immediately. If you choose to reschedule for another day, our Guest Relations Specialist will be more than happy to find the best day and time for you.

What to Expect on the Day of a Regenerative Biostimulator Treatment

During the procedure, our skilled practitioners will precisely inject the Regenerative Biostimulator, much like dermal filler, targeting key areas of concern while ensuring your comfort and safety throughout the process. Minor swelling and bruising may be expected but resolve quickly. As with all regenerative treatments, results are accumulative, and multiple visits are recommended.

Regenerative Biostimulator Recovery

Recovery from a regeneration biostimulator treatment is practically non-existent, as you can resume your normal routine immediately afterward. You will want to lightly massage the treated area for a few days to reduce nodule formation.

How Much Does a Regenerative Biostimulator Cost in Boise, ID?

The cost of a Regenerative Biostimulator in Eagle and the greater Boise area can vary on several factors, including the area being treated and the amount used. During your consultation, our talented team will be able to answer any questions and provide their recommendations.

There’s a fine line between looking and feeling good

Why Choose Renu Medispa?

Since 2003, Renu Medispa has become known for being an innovator in the cosmetic treatment industry. It has introduced multiple new treatments and protocols to the region, including Diamondtome Microdermabrasion, dermal infusion, EpiBlade, Visia Imaging, Collagen Induction Therapy, Photodynamic Therapy—and now, Regenerative Biostimulator treatment! 

We always test aesthetic technology onsite to ensure its efficacy, often at the request of manufacturers. This usually results in the development of specific protocols that maximize client outcomes over and above both the equipment manufacturer’s and our expectations. Even if we cannot perform the treatment, we want our clients to have the best possible results, which is why we have developed a strong network of dermatologists and plastic surgeons in the area, co-treating patients when necessary.


Schedule a Consultation

Known For Being Innovators

Ready to embark on your rejuvenation journey in Eagle and the greater Boise, ID area? Contact us today to schedule your personalized consultation and discover the transformative potential of Regenerative treatments at Renu. Guided by our expert clinicians, you’ll receive tailored solutions to address your unique concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to loss of skin volume and laxity.

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